JNTU-HYD : All B.Tech 2009 Question Papers of Exams(April,May & June)-All Regulations

I don't have much time to separate the Question papers according to regular/supply.so i am uploading all the 2009 papersaccording to year & semester wise in a separate folders.i am sharing the folders just go to the folders & u can get ur requiredpapers according to ur regulations.The papers are uploaded with regulation & subject name so that it will be easy for u to download

1st Year 2009(All Regulations)

2-1 May2009 (All Regulations)

3-1 May2009 (All Regulations)

4-1 May2009 (All Regulations)

2-2 April2009 (All Regulations)

3-2 April2009 (All Regulations)

4-2 April2009 (All Regulations)