Recently Carbon nanotubes have been designed to be used as a drug deliveryvector. It has shown potential in tissue engineering, nuclear targeting, anddrug, protein and peptide drug delivery also. The small nanoscale dimensionand astonishing properties make them a distinctive carrier with a wide rangeof promising applications. This review briefly outlines some of the importantbiomedical application of carbon nanotubes.Introduction
In the last few decadesvarious micro and nanoscale drug carrier systems have been developed in order tofind well-organized and proficient carrier systems for drugs, genes, and antigenwhich will assist the targeting and delivering of bioactives into specific andprecise organ, tissues and cells. These diverse drug delivery systems includemicroemulsion, multiple emulsions, liposomes, niosomes, nanoemulsion,microspheres, nanoparticle, resealed erythrocyte and dendrimers.
In recent times carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been designed to be used as a drug delivery carrier.Carbon nanotubes were discovered by Bacon in the late 1950s. But they were notfully appreciated at that time. In 1991 Iijima discovered CNTs and proposed itas an interesting material due to their structural properties1. CNTsconsist of graphite sheets rolled up in to tubular form. These new nanomaterialsbelonging to the family of fullerene are the third allotropes ofcarbon2. Recently, scientists have also accounted that CNTs holdpotential of a drug delivery systems. The studies have shown that CNTs loadedwith peptides3, proteins4, nucleic acids5 anddrugs6 comprise effective targeting into the cells. Depending uponthe number of graphene sheets, CNTs can be classified as single-wall carbonnanotubes and multi-wall carbon nanotubes.1. Single-wall carbon nanotubes
Single-wall carbonnanotubes (SWNTs) are made of a single graphene sheet. These are seamlesscylinders, were first reported in 19931. Their diameters range fromabout 1 to 2 nm, and their length is usually in order of the micrometers. SWNTstypically team up to form bundles. These bundles consists hexagonally arrangedSWNTs to form a crystal-like structure (figure 1 A).2. Multi-wall carbon nanotubes
The multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) are made up of collection of severalgraphene cylinders. MWNTs have a diameter of about 1-100nm and length of about1-50 micrometers. The distance between each layer of MWNTs is about 0.36nm1(figure 1 B)
Single-wall carbon nanotubes
Figure 1: (A) Single-wall carbon nanotubes (B) Multi-wall carbon nanotubes
Carbon nano horns andfullerenes are some structurally related compound to carbon nanotubes. Carbonnano horns are composed of graphite carbon atom structurally similar to CNTs.The difference between CNTs and carbon nano horns is that, the latter have anirregular horn like shape. Fullerene molecules are almost round cages of 60carbon atoms arranged in interlocking hexagons and pentagons, like the patcheson a soccer ball.
Physicochemical propertiesof CNTs include ultra light weight, ordered structure with high aspect ratio,high mechanical strength and metallic or semi-metallic behavior with highsurface area. There are some limitations of CNTs also, which includes lack ofsolubility in most solvents and aggregation. Both these limitations can beovercome by functionalization or modification of their surface1.Biomedical application of carbon nanotubes
Owing to the large innervolume, CNTs proffer attractive advantages for biomedical applications. Theselarge inner volumes can be filled with desired bioactives of small size as wellas of large size such as proteins and peptides. The targeting andbiocompatibility aspects of bioactive loaded CNTs can also be enhanced byeffective surface functionalization.Carbon nanotubes mediated drug delivery
In general drug deliverysystem is designed to improve the pharmacological and therapeutic profile of adrug molecule. The large inner volume of CNTs allows encapsulation of both lowas well as high molecular weight drugs. It also permits encapsulation of bothhydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. More than one drug can also be loaded in CNTsin the case of multi-drug therapy. Ligands and diagnostic moieties can also beconjugated to surface of CNTs by functionalization to target the drugs tospecific site of action. The CNTs can act as controlled release system for drugby releasing the loaded drugs for a long period of time. In this way CNTs can beused multifunctionally for drug delivery and targeting.Cellular and nuclear targeting
The endeavor behind targeted drug delivery is to enhancethe efficiency and diminishing the noxious effects. The CNTs can be chemicallysurface modified such that ligands can be attached to their surface functionalgroups. These ligands which are specific to certain receptors can carry the CNTsdirectly to the specific site without affecting on non-target site. On the otherhand diagnostic moieties like fluoroisothiocyanate (FITC) can also be attachedto the CNTs for probing their way to the nucleus.Carbon nanotubes in peptide delivery
The use CNTs in peptidedelivery has also been done by scientist. Application of CNT as a template forpresenting bioactive peptides to the immune system has been done. For thispurpose, by using a bifunctional linker epitope of virus and amine group of CNTcan be covalently link and immunization can be done. Subsequently theimmunogenic features of peptide–CNT conjugates can be assessed in vivo. In thisway CNTs can achieve high value in peptide delivery also7.Carbon nanotubes in tissue engineering
The main objective oftissue engineering is to restore unhealthy or damaged tissue with biologicalternative which can reinstate and preserve regular tasks. The carbon nanotubescan be used for tissue engineering by visualizing and enhancing cellularperformance and by tracking and labeling of cells8.Conclusion
It can be concluded thatfunctionalization of CNTs will open new era in the potential of CNTs inbiomedical field. Some CNT are highly toxic, mostly due to their insolubility,which is of great concerned in using CNTs. This problem can also be overcome byfunctionalization. This offers the possibility of introducing more than onefunction on the same CNT molecule to target bioactives, imaging agents, drugsand ligand moieties at once. Further investigations must be done by thescientists in the field of CNTs to establish them for their biomedicalapplications.
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